Painted Strokes


Totes and tees, originally designed and made with love.

This t-shirt, tote, or tank top design is inspired by a softer, more abstract representation of pride. The idea behind this design is that pride is a natural and organic experience, much like the fluidity of brush strokes in art. Each colour in the design represents a different aspect of individuality and unity, capturing the essence of pride.

Red: Represents life and the passion that drives individuality.
Orange: Symbolizes healing and the warmth of community support.
Yellow: Reflects sunlight, representing positivity and optimism.
Green: Stands for nature, growth, and the organic development of self-identity.
Blue: Signifies serenity and peace, highlighting the calm that comes with self-acceptance.
Purple: Represents spirit, emphasizing the richness and depth of individual experiences and identities.

Each stroke flows naturally, blending these colours to showcase the diverse and interconnected aspects of pride.